The Wednesday Night Fellowship group meets MOST Wednesdays for dinner at restaurants around B/CS for fun, food and fellowship - on most Wednesdays at 6:00pm. Locations are listed in the newsletter’s monthly church calendar and in each Sunday's bulletin. All are welcome, so bring your friends and family and join us for a fun-filled evening. To be added to the email notification list, contact Ellen Weichert.
Men's Breakfast Rise and shine! It's breakfast and prayer time! Get a head start on your day and join the men on the FIRST Wednesday of the month at 6:30 a.m. Breakfast is served in Carter Creek Foyer. Contact Allyn Jordan.
Men's Lunch Group On the LAST Wednesday of the month, men gather at 11:30am Chicken Oil Co. located at 3600 S. College Avenue in Bryan for lunch and fellowship. Contact Rick Page.